Jyväskylä 2011

Business Meeting, Report of the Proceedings

June 16, 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland

Jyrki Wallenius chaired the meeting. (The number of members of the Society attending the meeting was about 150.)

For Report

The next MCDM conference

In its meeting on Tuesday June 14, 2011, the Executive Committee accepted the proposal to organize the next MCDM conference in 2013 in Málaga, Spain by Prof. Francisco Ruiz. Profs. Rafael Caballero and Carlos Romero will be the co-chairs of the program committee. The conference will take place on June 17-21, 2013. Further details can be found in the webpage of the conference: http://www.uma.es/mcdm2013.

The next Summer School on MCDA

Prof. Kaisa Miettinen informed that the Summer School on MCDA will be organized in 2013. Further information will soon be given at the Society’s website and newsletter.

Secretary of the Society

Prof. Jyrki Wallenius informed that Prof. Francisco Ruiz will continue his tasks as the Secretary of the Society.

Members and Directory

Prof. Francisco Ruiz, the Secretary of the Society, informed that the Society has no membership fees and wished new members welcome. Those who are interested in becoming a member of the Society are asked to go to the members section of the webpage, and submit the application form. Data about all the members can be found in the Society's directory, and each member is expected to update one's data when logging into the system. It is especially important to have a valid email address.

The Webpage of the Society

The secretary also informed about the webpage of the Society: www.mcdmsociety.org. He asked for contributions to help keep the webpage updated with the latest news and publications.

Special Issues

Prof. Jyrki Wallenius informed that four journals will be publishing special issues containing papers presented at the MCDM 2011 Conference:

  • Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (two issues)
    • Focus area: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization . Guest editors: K. Deb and D. Brockhoff
    • Focus area: Applications and preference elicitation. Guest editors: V. Mousseau and L. Dias
  • Journal of Global Optimization. Focus area: Multiobjective optimization. Guest editors: K. Miettinen and S. Sayin
  • International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. Focus area: Information Technology & Decision Support. Guest editors: P. Korhonen and J. Wallenius
  • Annals of Operations Research. Focus area: Behavioral issues. Guest editors: W. Michalowski and H. Wallenius.


Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

Prof. Theo Stewart, editor in chief of the Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, reported about the current situation of the journal. He informed that publications will be up to date by the end of 2011, and that it will probably take about 18 more months to achieve an ISI citation index for the journal. All researchers are encouraged to submit high quality papers, and to get involved in the reviewing tasks, in order to support the journal in this new stage.

Elections related to open offices at the Executive Committee

Prof. Jyrki Wallenius informed that several offices of the executive committee were finishing their terms in MCDM2011. He has chaired the Elections Committee. Besides the candidates nominated by the Committee, the members of the Society were able to nominate candidates.

Prof. Murat Köksalan was the only candidate for President-Elect, and thus, he was elected for this position.

Prof. Birsen Karpak was the only candidate for Vice-President of Finance, and thus, she was reelected for this position.

There are seven candidates for the four vacancies in the Executive Committee: in alphabetical order Kalyanmoy Deb, Martin Geiger, Salvatore Greco, Carlos Romero, Yong Shi, Jaap Spronk and Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng. The voting will be electronic, as in the previous elections. The members of the Society will receive further information about the voting procedure by email before the elections, which will take place in August 2011. All those who were members of the Society before the conference or joined before the end of June 2011, can vote. The voting will be an approval voting.

Martin J. Geiger also leaves his position as the Newsletter Editor. Prof. Jyrki Wallenius asked for volunteers to undertake this task by contacting the new President, Prof. Kaisa Miettinen, with the commitment of publishing two issues per year.

Specialized Conferences Endorsed by the MCDM Society

Prof Jyrki Wallenius informed about the possibility to apply for the Society's endorsement, for specialized MCDM related conferences. The requirements for these applications can be found in the webpage of the Society.


Prof. Murat Köksalan, President of the INFORMS section on MCDM, informed about the current situation of the section. The membership fees for this section are $5 for INFORMS members and $7 for others. 16 sessions have been put together for the forthcoming INFORMS Annual Meeting. Prof. Murat Köksalan will finish this year his term as president of the section, and Prof. Jyrki Wallenius will be the next president.