Events endorsed by the MCDM Society

The International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making also endorses some specialized MCDM-related events. Organizers interested in their events being endorsed by our Society, please send an e-mail to the secretary, providing the following information:

  • Name of event, dates and contact information of main organizer(s),
  • Location of the event (university facility, hotel, etc.),
  • Support from other organizations (financial or o/w, please state),
  • Review process, if any; publication plan; and proposed registration fee,
  • Any past experience in organizing a conference or a similar event (provide names and dates),
  • Connection to MCDM.


  • 2024: EURO PhD School on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Methodologies and Applications to the Sustainable Development Goals. November 4 – 15, 2024. Málaga (Spain). Chair of organizing committee: Francisco Ruiz.
  • 2022: ISAHP 2022: International Symposium on the Analytical Hierarchy Process – XVII International Symposium. December 15 – 18, 2022. Virtual Meeting. Organizers: Luis Vargas, John Saaty, Birsen Karpak, Marcel Minutolo, Elena Rokou.
  • 2021: The 14th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, MOPGP2021. December 20-21, 2021. Online. Chair: Davide La Torre (SKEMA Business School, France).
  • 2021: Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop, MODeM 2021. July 14-16, 2021. Online. Organizers: Conor F. Hayes (School of Computer Science, National University of Ireland Galway), Patrick Mannion (School of Computer Science, National University of Ireland Galway), Peter Vamplew (School of Engineering, Information Technology and Physical Sciences, Federation University, Ballarat, Australia).
  • 2019: The 13th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, MOPGP2019. October 28-31, 2019. Marrakech, Morocco. Chair: Talbi El-ghazali (University of Lille & INRIA, France).
  • 2018: The 7th International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment, ICMFII’2018. May 10-12, 2018. Chania, Greece. Chairs: Michael Doumpos and Constantin Zopounidis.
  • 2017: The 12th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, MOPGP2017. October 30-31, 2017. Metz, France. Chair: Imed Kacem (University of Lorraine, France). Organizing Committee, Chair: Pierre Laroche (University of Lorraine, France).
  • 2017: The Multi-Objective Decision Making (MODeM 2017) Workshop at AAMAS 2017 (the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems). May 8-12, 2017. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Organizers: Diederik Roijers, Richard Dazeley, Peter Vamplew, Kyle Hollins Wray, Luisa Zintgraf, and Ann Nowé.
  • 2015: The 11th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, MOPGP2015. December 13-15, 2015. Tlemcen, Algeria. Chair: Amal Hassaine Kazi Tani (Tlemcen University, Algeria). Program Chair: Hatem Masri (University of Bahrain, Bahrain).
  • 2013: The Second International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment, ICMFII. November 25-27, 2013. University of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain. Chair: Minwir Al-Shammari (University of Bahrain, Bahrain). Program Chair: Hatem Masri (University of Bahrain, Bahrain).
  • 2013: 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO2013. March 19-22, 2013. Sheffield (UK). Robin C. Purshouse, Peter J. Fleming and Carlos M. Fonseca. MCDM track chaired by Salvatore Greco.
  • 2012: 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, IPMU 2012. July 9-13, 2012. Catania (Italy). Salvatore Greco.
  • 2011: The First International Conference on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment, ICMFII2011. April 14-16, 2011. Hammamet (Tunisia). Belaïd Aouni and Fouad Ben Abdelaziz.