Members by Country

As of January 2025, the International Society on MCDM has 2470 members from 105 countries. Top five memberships are from India, United States, Turkey, Brazil and Spain, accounting for 1029 of all members. There are five or fewer members from 52 countries. The color of each country on the map below varies in darkness depending on the number of members in that country. The exact membership sizes are given by Country in the table following the map.

Country Members
India 415
United States 196
Turkey 168
Brazil 135
Spain 115
Iran 93
China 93
United Kingdom 80
Canada 68
Italy 67
Germany 66
Portugal 65
France 58
Finland 52
Taiwan 50
Poland 43
Greece 36
Netherlands 34
Colombia 32
Malaysia 32
Indonesia 31
Russia 27
Nigeria 26
Belgium 26
Mexico 25
Australia 24
Algeria 24
Sweden 18
South Korea 17
Tunisia 17
Denmark 15
Switzerland 14
Austria 13
Czech Republic 13
Serbia 13
Romania 12
Saudi Arabia 12
Thailand 12
Egypt 11
New Zealand 11
Japan 10
Pakistan 10
South Africa 10
Chile 9
Hungary 9
Morocco 9
Hong Kong S.A.R., China 9
Nepal 8
Argentina 7
Ireland 7
Israel 7
Cuba 6
Bangladesh 6
Belarus 5
Bulgaria 5
Croatia 5
Lithuania 5
United Arab Emirates 5
Oman 5
Norway 4
Ukraine 4
Georgia 3
Latvia 3
Libya 3
Philippines 3
Slovenia 3
Ethiopia 3
Bahrain 2
Ghana 2
Iraq 2
Jordan 2
Kenya 2
Kuwait 2
Peru 2
Singapore 2
Sudan 2
Vietnam 2
Afghanistan 1
Armenia 1
Bahamas 1
Benin 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Ecuador 1
Estonia 1
Guatemala 1
Iceland 1
Kazakhstan 1
Luxembourg 1
Macedonia 1
Mauritius 1
Mongolia 1
Montenegro 1
Myanmar 1
Namibia 1
Palestinian Territory 1
Panama 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Qatar 1
Senegal 1
Sierra Leone 1
Slovakia 1
Sri Lanka 1
Tanzania 1
Venezuela 1
Vietnam 1
TOTAL 2470