
  Awards The Executive Committee of the Society decides which of the following Awards will be given: the MCDM Gold Medal; the Edgeworth-Pareto Award; and the Georg Cantor Award. All members of the Society are eligible to make nominations to the Awards Committee, in a manner the Committee shall specify. The Awards will be presented … Read more

The MCDM Doctoral Dissertation Award

The executive committee of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making decided to introduce the MCDM Doctoral Dissertation Award, to the best dissertation related to MCDM, in 2011. After the first award was given in Jyväskylä (Finland), the executive committee decided to continue awarding it also in later conferences. The awardees can be found … Read more

The MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award

This is the highest distinction that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a researcher or practitioner of MCDM who has demonstrated a high level of creativity in developing novel areas of application of MCDM and associated methodology, markedly influencing the form of MCDM practice. The awardees since 1992 are listed on … Read more

The Georg Cantor Award

This is the highest form of recognition that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a researcher who has personified the spirit of independent inquiry in developing innovative ideas in the theory and methodology of MCDM, significantly expanding the tools available to MCDM practice. The awardees since 1992 are listed on the main … Read more


Awards The Executive Committee of the Society decides which of the following Awards will be given: the MCDM Gold Medal; the Edgeworth-Pareto Award; and the Georg Cantor Award. All members of the Society are eligible to make nominations to the Awards Committee, in a manner the Committee shall specify. The Awards will be presented at … Read more

The MCDM Gold Medal

This is the highest honor that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a scholar who, over a distinguished career, has markedly contributed to the theory, methodology, practice and professional development of MCDM. The awardees since 1992 are listed on the main awards’ page.